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Friday, July 17, 2009

~transformers II~revenge of the fallen

aku rs dh out dated gak ape yg aku nk ckp ni..ihihihi..tp aku peduli ape...hari ni aku n ofcemate baru berkesempatan utk g tgk movie transformers ni.,our plan actually is on 3rd july, but wat to do..keje byk menimbun2,so postponed la,,and luckily we going tonite..yeah..ya be da be duuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
ha lupe,we all g tgk kat gsc midvalley @ 0015 am..,then we decide to go mkn2...ye la our luvly company sponsored all the ticket and makan2..yahooo...and plan to makan2 kat ss2 Murni...yes..i like!

quite a long time..

huh...lamanye tak update blog..sampai aku dh lupe ape password..hehehhe..funny!..so kene la tukar password baru..
now ni buzy gler dgn keje kat ofce..shipment banyak gile..aku sampai tak cukup tdo,,balik sampai 4-5 pagi..huhuhu..kesian nye kat aku..wargggghhhhh..tapi nak buat camne,dh keje kene la buat,,byk camne pun..kene buat gak,,have too..
arini aku rs cam nk update blog..rs cam rajin plak,,lantak la keje byk mane pun..stress beb!..